Someone thinks I should be hanging clothes on the line. Hrmm, wish someone would stay home and do 2 loads a day.
Lets just say it wasn't the best day we have had for a while. And on top of that, April had a friend staying over, and we promised to take them to the beach. It didn't happen. After I snapped out of my 'mood' we went to the swimming pool for a coulple of hours, seemed to put a smile on their face.
This reminded me that I have been slack. I have a gym membership that I haven't used in months. And the woman at the desk decided to comment on that fact! "Oh... you haven't been... for ....
Ok, so maybe it was the kick in the pants that I needed, so I have loaded up the MP3 player, charged the battery, and told Liv she can go for a swim after I have tried to kill myself at the gym. I get that look, you know. The one that says.. You are nuts mum... It has been a while, I might just colapse and never be able to walk again
Anyways, I'll let you all know how I go.
Take it all very easy
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