I tested the oven yesterday (new house) and am pleased to say, it cooked the cupcakes perfectly. Even with Liv cracking the eggs for me (she did a better job than I normally do.. no shell!!) So for the next few weeks its cupcakes all around, so that when I come to make them all the day before the wedding.. I will be able to do it with my eyes closed!
On other news..
I had my first hiccup today. Thought I was going famously. I left this morning to get the rest of the cardboard for the invites (I am picky, so they have to be perfect) called into a little clothing shop that was off the beaten track just on the off chance that they would have something for the girls to wear. Do you know how hard it is to find a dress for an 8 year old?? Geeze, anyone would think I was asking for blood. Sure, if it was red and black stripes... You can have whatever you want.
Anyways, I called into this shop, and done!
Then onto Lincraft to get the envelopes for the invites.. Same ones as last time, just to be sure. Then onto Coles to get some butter, drink for Liv, nothing really exciting. Then the rest of the cardboard, then home. 10.30 and I am back here all ready to go with the printing. I do the dishes and then sit down here.
Open word, away I start to print (Yes I did a pre-test print) so when I put the gold envolopes in the printer.. well, lets just say it looks like it has been done with dots. And at $10 a packet, I am not happy. So now I have to decide if I want to get labels.... or new envelopes.
Oh the drama.
I will take some pics today and post them up when everyone has got an invite. So you can all see the hassle that I am talking about!
Now... what else can I spend it on
Bee good now, take care
Ahhh the dramas of printing wedding invites at home. I remember only too dearly the frustration at printing envelopes. My advice: test print on some plain cheap ones first. Good luck sis!
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