Well hey everyone,
Was just reading my sis's blog at 5.30 this morning. Who gets up that early? Anyways, shes doing a weight-loss blog, motivational journal. I liked the idea, and I like blogger, so I thought I would start my own here as well as MSN.
Mine will just be rants and raves, like my msn one, but I like the layout of this one more, so over time I will change it over, so keep reading, leave me a comment every now and again. Let me know there are some other life forms on this planet.
I will also be posting stuff about the wedding.. not dribble, well there may be the occasional dribble, but I will try to post some useful stuff, just in case anyone wants to put themselves in shackles in the future!
Ok, so, check back in the next few days, have some more for you to read then.
Bee good, take care.
I'm off to have breakfast!
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