Times have changed. Traditions have really gone out the window or happen that rarely we don't often see them. Is the tradition of getting married effected by this? Should you just have a 'BBQ' if you are doing it a second time around?
A lot of questions, no real answers. Socially its OK. Even in the catholic church. Are you allowed or should you wear white the second time around? Should it matter? If you are paying for it, shouldn't you be allowed to do whatever you want. Why do people have to "put their 2 cents in"
And having children from a previous marriage, what does that make me? What does that make them? Most people who meet my children are impressed. I think I still have some old fashioned values left in me. We sit down to eat as a family. Children are children and Bill and I are the adults and the kids know where the line is.
I guess when you are marrying into a family there can be no real easy way, but when there are children involved people want to all of a sudden pick your life apart and tell you were you went wrong.
Shouldn't it come down to who's happy, and that should be all that matters?
Just in case there was any doubts. I am having the dress.. and the veil. And the rose petals. Nearly the whole "shebang" but with our own little twist. I think the first time around I possibly did it for the wrong reasons, even tho I had children, it seemed like the final thing I could do to save what was left of my marriage.
This time around, its so different. Life is different. I have a 17year old for petesake! I have matured, I have found the things I want and distanced myself from the things that I don't want.
I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter. As each bride will say..... "Do what you want...its your day" So that's what I intend to do.
Its not about the wedding. Its not about the trimmings. Its not even about the presents. We have everything we need. Its about telling the man that I love that I want to get up for the rest of my life at 4 in the morning to pack his lunch and have a cup of tea with him. Telling him that I will be there waiting up when he gets a call out in the middle of the night