Late in the afternoon, but it was still warm. They also took their scooters and Levi was rollerblading. Pretty sure they had a good time. Infact I am positive they did.... Liv fell asleep on her bed!! She very rarely does that.
She told me her little legs where tired and when we got home I asked her to carry something from the car to the house and she replied " Oh.. I couldn't. My fingers are soooo tired"
I really don't think her fingers did that much to tell you the truth.
Off to get the girls new beds tomorrow. Gone are the bunks, I ebayed them! Gotta love ebay! Trying to find a way of keeping their room in some kind of order so I have spent a few days trying to sort some stuff out. What a joke. I thought I was doing an awesome job, until we took Liv's bed apart, under that was 2 big bags of stuff. Baby clothes. I have 2 massive bags of baby clothes. With what to do with them you ask? Well, tune in for updates!
Nothing much else happening. My birthday tomorrow. I wont say how old I am..... Oh.. ok.
I will be 21..
Take care everyone.. Hug someone you love, forget about someone who hurt you and smile at your neighbor
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