Sunday, 20 January 2008

razz Took the kids to the beach today...
Late in the afternoon, but it was still warm. They also took their scooters and Levi was rollerblading. Pretty sure they had a good time. Infact I am positive they did.... Liv fell asleep on her bed!! She very rarely does that.
She told me her little legs where tired and when we got home I asked her to carry something from the car to the house and she replied " Oh.. I couldn't. My fingers are soooo tired"
I really don't think her fingers did that much to tell you the truth. mrgreen

Off to get the girls new beds tomorrow. Gone are the bunks, I ebayed them! Gotta love ebay! Trying to find a way of keeping their room in some kind of order so I have spent a few days trying to sort some stuff out. What a joke. I thought I was doing an awesome job, until we took Liv's bed apart, under that was 2 big bags of stuff. Baby clothes. I have 2 massive bags of baby clothes. With what to do with them you ask? Well, tune in for updates!

Nothing much else happening. My birthday tomorrow. I wont say how old I am..... Oh.. ok.
I will be 21.. mrgreen I will!! Honest. Ask the kids if you don't believe me. They will tell you exactly that! I love my babies... they make me feel wonderful!

Take care everyone.. Hug someone you love, forget about someone who hurt you and smile at your neighbor biggrin
