I am so happy with the outcome so far. It will be a work of love when I am finished. I can't wait to have a proper album, a coffeetable book that people can look at when they come over for .. well... coffee
In HUGE other news, I am joining Avon. I needed something to do that won't really make an awful lot of money and let me meet people and get out of the house. So at this moment, I have Avon books everywhere! I am really excited about it. It means I can also help at the school with the girls. Oh.. can you see it?? I will be a tuckshop lady and an Avon lady
School starts tomorrow. The girls are excited. Especially Liv. Stay tuned for pictures as I will post some tomorrow. Big day. Big stage in my life thats for sure. *sigh* Life does move forward I guess, and I am excited about the new prospects for the future. So onwards for the rest of the year. No doubt it will be busy. Swimming starts again, and touch footy, plus Sam doing all the things that she wants to do.
So, I really should be going, off to bed, because its going to be a hectic morning.
Loves ya
Tuckshop lady with tuckshop arms
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