Ok folks. I know I said last time that I would post more, and you don't know how many times I sit here and think... Gosh.. I should write in my blog.. I get on the Internet and do something completely boring. So time for a massive update.

First off. We had an awesome Christmas, quiet New Years as all the kids were away, and a little holiday for me with no children in the house. It was nice. Nice to get them all home though. The first couple of days drove me completely insane. I sat here wondering how the hell I was going to manage the rest of the year!! But its all good now. They haven't settled at all, I have just mellowed and switched a few switches off, I hear the tones I have to hear. I usually respond with "Is there blood??" to which I get a reply "Ummmm ... no .. but"
"Ok.. then you are fine"

Nearly school time. First day for Liv coming up, we have uniforms now. Very scary for me, what the hell am I going to do with myself now? It doesn't get any easier as the kids get older, but Liv is the last one to go to school. End of an era for me. Now I feel I will get talked into tuckshop roster and reading. Don't get me wrong. I love my babies, just not the mums!
The girls also start back at swimming soon, and Levi with league and touch footy, not to mention Sam's is off to tafe. And that's just the kids

But as I always say, those who know me, know I adore my kids. I wouldn't be who I am without them, they have been there for me, and I for them. We have been through some awful stuff and stuck together threw it all. Motherhood to me is a joy, not a chore. I was born to play this role.
Wonder if they have an Oscar for motherhood??

So who knows what the year has install for me....for us even. Levi wants to learn to surf. My reaction to that was "No sand in my new car" . I think I shot that one down quick!
New house this year... scary prospect, but one we have to do soon. Possibly some school training for me. I might go back to school and do the rest of my chefs course, then branch out into cakes.
Its a passion I think I could make some money out of.
But for the moment, its day to day life. Gym in the morning, kids in the afternoon, everyone else has to take a number
I would like a holiday this year... see what happens...
Ok my huns and hunnies.. Take care of you and yours

Bee good
Until next time