There are somethings in this world that we tend to take for granted.
The air. We assume that its always going to be clear and clean and breathable.
Water, we in QLD know that its not always avail. We are used to our 4 min showers, not running the taps and no hosing.
This morning I heard 3 things that made me stop and think about the things we take for granted.
3 birds.
Probably more than 3 birds, but 3 different sounds.
It was just on 4am, and Bill was getting up. First we heard the rooster. Now this rooster probably lives about 1 km away, so he was pushing his morning call.
Moments later the magpies wanted to put their two cents in and try and wake those that might still be sleeping. As a kid I was chased by a magpie or two, so I don't really like them as a bird, but they just have the prettiest call.
I was just lying there thinking how nice it was and just how much you miss when you sleep in early in the morning, when the kookaburra's started.
We have about 3 kookaburra's that sit on the fence and chat. 2 young ones and a wise looking 'old man' kookaburra.
Also 3 days ago, just after the storm we had 3 black cockotoo's in the trees. We have a grumpy old male koala, who grunts and groans alot looking for his lady... lol
And to make it so Australian, there is a kangaroo or two out there as well.
So next time you think you have so much stress in your life, you don't have time to sneeze, have a think about what goes by...
Stop and smile at someone..
Stop and smell a flower..
Listen to the birds..
It all goes by far too quick. Kids grow up too fast and before long we are old and wonder where it all went..
Bee safe..
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Its been a while since I posted last. Lachlan is now nearly 8 weeks old and how fast the time goes. I really should post in here more often. Even if its just to get my thoughts out there.
Leanne challenged me to respond to her latest post on her site so here goes...
Four things I did today:
Four things on my to do list:
Four of my guiltiest pleasures:
Four random facts about me:
So there you are. Some interesting crap about me.
One thing to add. Lachlan is sleeping 7-8 hours at nite. Such a good wee man.
Leanne challenged me to respond to her latest post on her site so here goes...
Four things I did today:
- I got a very big cuddle and smile from Lachlan at 5.30 this morning, always a bonus start to the day, and with the rain it really made the sunshine.
- Rang Telstra again.. only to find out that the problem that I thought was on their end was infact on our end. Love you Billy.. for making me look like a goose. Note to self.. always check passwords!
- Went shopping for food. Not very exciting.. but along the way looked at the damage that the storm did around our house and neighbourhood.
- Kissed my husband goodbye, only to watch him leave for work knowing that he will be working in the rain.... Poor baby.
Four things on my to do list:
- Clean the garage out.. Well, maybe try and massage the huge amount of collectables that my lovely husband is collecting so that when the next storm passes over we will have room for my car.
- Buy a BBQ
- Think of what to buy the inlaws in christmas... (My head hurts)
- Go to the gym (4.1. Really.. truely.. I NEED to go to the gym!)
Four of my guiltiest pleasures:
- Chocolate. My all time fav was Raspberry River. But they took it off the market. Do they have any idea what they did to me?
- Time alone with Bill.. Not really happening at the moment, but I love Sunday morning sleep-ins and breakfast at Manly.
- Getting my nails done. Makes me feel girly. I am a girl afterall....
- Watching cooking shows. You can't really talk to me when they are on. Forget it. Didn't you know that Nigella got her name from me? I am the origianal Domestic
Four random facts about me:
- I love children. I guess thats why I have 5. I had a few problems with Lachlan (pregnancy) and stright after he was born Bill asked me if I would "go again" I took one look at Locky and said yes. Looked at Lachlan and said "this is what you get at the end of it" He thinks I am nuts.
- I threaten to send the kids to the fairies or the gypsy's. I love them to death.. but some times...................................................
- I met my husband on the internet. We chatted for a while and I always thought I would have nothing in common with him so I made excuses not to go for coffee. He was a mountain climber, ski instructor, personal trainer.. what the hell would he see in me. I fianlly gave in and when he turned up I thought he was an old man! LOL
- I paid for the coffee!! Twice. He knows he owes me. I tell him alllll the time.
So there you are. Some interesting crap about me.
One thing to add. Lachlan is sleeping 7-8 hours at nite. Such a good wee man.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Its 5.10 am. Bill has left for work. (very happy at the thought of getting a week or so off work soon)
I should be back in bed resting and sleeping, with the thought that sometime on Friday we will have our little bubba here. But I can't.
Lots and lots of emotions go through your head when you are pregnant, but the minute you know you ARE going to have the baby, it turns to pain.! I have been pretty lucky over the years. I think I come from good breeding stock, designed to "Live off the land" but you still get worried a bit.
This pregnancy has been different. They all have really, but this one more so.
I am older, my body has twitched a few times. I have a husband who likes to make it look like hes 'doing fine' when all the while hes waiting for a quiet corner to have a crisis in. :) Life has changed alot since I had Liv, for the better and its so much more comforting to feel secure and safe in a marriage. Bill is excited. Liv is just beside herself. Can't count the sleeps fast enough.. its very cute.
So in a few more sleeps (which have lately been anywhere else in the house where I won't distrub Bill and let him get a good nite sleep) (I have actually slept in the bath!) we will be off to the hospital. Bill might need more drugs than me ( I don't plan on using any )
But I know it will all be fine...
Watch this space for news and a picture..
Love and kisses to everyone... Bee good.
And to my baby girl... Please be careful, take loads of pics, but most of all..... enjoy...
I love you so very much
I should be back in bed resting and sleeping, with the thought that sometime on Friday we will have our little bubba here. But I can't.
Lots and lots of emotions go through your head when you are pregnant, but the minute you know you ARE going to have the baby, it turns to pain.! I have been pretty lucky over the years. I think I come from good breeding stock, designed to "Live off the land" but you still get worried a bit.
This pregnancy has been different. They all have really, but this one more so.
I am older, my body has twitched a few times. I have a husband who likes to make it look like hes 'doing fine' when all the while hes waiting for a quiet corner to have a crisis in. :) Life has changed alot since I had Liv, for the better and its so much more comforting to feel secure and safe in a marriage. Bill is excited. Liv is just beside herself. Can't count the sleeps fast enough.. its very cute.
So in a few more sleeps (which have lately been anywhere else in the house where I won't distrub Bill and let him get a good nite sleep) (I have actually slept in the bath!) we will be off to the hospital. Bill might need more drugs than me ( I don't plan on using any )
But I know it will all be fine...
Watch this space for news and a picture..
Love and kisses to everyone... Bee good.
And to my baby girl... Please be careful, take loads of pics, but most of all..... enjoy...
I love you so very much
Sunday, 14 September 2008
This will make you smile!
My sis sent me this.. its so funny and soo do-able!
This one is for everyone who...
a) has kids
b) had kids
c) was a kid
d) knows a kid
e) is going to have kids.
I guess that means all of us!!
I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, 'Daddy, look at this' , and stuck out two of her fingers.
Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said,
'Daddy's gonna eat your fingers,'
pretending to eat them.
I went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.
I said, 'What's wrong, honey?'
She replied,
'What happened to my booger?'
My sis sent me this.. its so funny and soo do-able!
This one is for everyone who...
a) has kids
b) had kids
c) was a kid
d) knows a kid
e) is going to have kids.
I guess that means all of us!!
I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, 'Daddy, look at this' , and stuck out two of her fingers.
Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said,
'Daddy's gonna eat your fingers,'
pretending to eat them.
I went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.
I said, 'What's wrong, honey?'
She replied,
'What happened to my booger?'
Thursday, 31 July 2008
You forget things as you get older. Ha. The joys. But one thing I would have thought a woman that has had a baby would never forget. Contractions.
At this point, they would be Braxton Hicks. So named after Mr Hicks. Some say they are false, some say they are real contractions. Hrmmm. Typical they are named after a man. What the hell would he ever know about false contractions!!!
LOL. No serious. They seem to have started, and me being me just dealing with them. They are supposed to be short, just tightening of the uterus. Me.. well you could time mine, and they peak.
Something that 'real' ones shouldnt do. But I can deal with it. Everything is still in place. Bill on the other hand. I forget sometimes that this is his first baby, while I am all calm and relaxed saying don't worry about it. Hes in a mad panic. "Ring the midwife"! Perhaps she shouldn't have told his just how to deliver a baby should the need arise.....
I am sure that it will happen when this bub wants out. Early or late.. (note to baby~~ If you are late... trouble will surely come your way *wink*) lol
No.. everything is fine. Its just getting closer and my poor old body has had enough already.
So ladies... can I get a little caring sympathy sent this way Woohoooo.. fanks..
Take care people ... Hugs and kisses..
At this point, they would be Braxton Hicks. So named after Mr Hicks. Some say they are false, some say they are real contractions. Hrmmm. Typical they are named after a man. What the hell would he ever know about false contractions!!!
LOL. No serious. They seem to have started, and me being me just dealing with them. They are supposed to be short, just tightening of the uterus. Me.. well you could time mine, and they peak.
Something that 'real' ones shouldnt do. But I can deal with it. Everything is still in place. Bill on the other hand. I forget sometimes that this is his first baby, while I am all calm and relaxed saying don't worry about it. Hes in a mad panic. "Ring the midwife"! Perhaps she shouldn't have told his just how to deliver a baby should the need arise.....
I am sure that it will happen when this bub wants out. Early or late.. (note to baby~~ If you are late... trouble will surely come your way *wink*) lol
No.. everything is fine. Its just getting closer and my poor old body has had enough already.
So ladies... can I get a little caring sympathy sent this way Woohoooo.. fanks..
Take care people ... Hugs and kisses..
Saturday, 26 July 2008
For Sammy
I Can
Did is a word of achievement,
Wont is a word of retreat.
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can't is a word of defeat.
Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word for each hour.
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power.
I think I can
I know I can ~~~
The little engine
that tried
then could
and did!
Did is a word of achievement,
Wont is a word of retreat.
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can't is a word of defeat.
Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word for each hour.
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power.
I think I can
I know I can ~~~
The little engine
that tried
then could
and did!
We love you Sammy. Be strong.
Sunday, 20 July 2008

Happy Birthday Tomorrow.
Cupcakes Cupcakes everywhere.
I made cupcakes last week to celebrate 100 days at Prep for Liv, and this week its her birthday. So for school tomorrow I made cupcakes. Mini ones cause its Maddison's birthday too and I am not sure if her Mum will do something. You can have too much cake you know. Especially if you are a pre-schooler!
So I thought I would post a pic of the cupcake. The birthday girl's cupcake.
Then off to get the bike out of the car, and fumble for the next few hours to get the darn thing set up. Maybe I should wait for Bill to get home from work.... ?
Fairy wishes and kisses to all....
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Well hey everyone,
Its been a while and in true Jacqui fashion, I usually don't post until there is something to talk about. Hahaha! Nothing really to talk about. Oh. we did move house. Into a nice brand new house, 4 beds, 2 bath, you know the average family style home. Levi loves the dishwasher. And the girls love having their own rooms.
Ohhhh... Sammi left us. Shes left the nest for a little while, gone to stretch her wings and see whats out there in this big big world. Shes in NZ with Nana and Granddad. I am sure she is having a ball.
I will say tho, that morning was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Let my little girl get on a plane, and say goodbye. For how long no one knows.. and I guess thats one of the hardest things.. She will come back when shes ready.
We all miss you Sammi
We are now at the 28 week stage, and my poor old body is starting to notice a change. I can no longer hide my "bump" and I am starting to "wobble" . I tell ya, its a sight. But all is good, check-ups this week, another scan next month.
I haven't started nesting yet, I feel it coming on tho. I think once I get the car seat and the pram off lay-by, it will kick start me into gear.
Well... I guess in the end I did have a few things to say...
Hope everyone is well, take care everyone one
All my love
Its been a while and in true Jacqui fashion, I usually don't post until there is something to talk about. Hahaha! Nothing really to talk about. Oh. we did move house. Into a nice brand new house, 4 beds, 2 bath, you know the average family style home. Levi loves the dishwasher. And the girls love having their own rooms.
Ohhhh... Sammi left us. Shes left the nest for a little while, gone to stretch her wings and see whats out there in this big big world. Shes in NZ with Nana and Granddad. I am sure she is having a ball.
I will say tho, that morning was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Let my little girl get on a plane, and say goodbye. For how long no one knows.. and I guess thats one of the hardest things.. She will come back when shes ready.
We all miss you Sammi
We are now at the 28 week stage, and my poor old body is starting to notice a change. I can no longer hide my "bump" and I am starting to "wobble" . I tell ya, its a sight. But all is good, check-ups this week, another scan next month.
I haven't started nesting yet, I feel it coming on tho. I think once I get the car seat and the pram off lay-by, it will kick start me into gear.
Well... I guess in the end I did have a few things to say...
Hope everyone is well, take care everyone one
All my love
Monday, 9 June 2008
I recently had a conversation with a friend from school who has a sweet, darling little girl who always smiles, always happy. Mum and baby both seem very content. I know she has 7 children (bear in mind some are step-children) and shes always smiling.
This day, she wasn't. Something had happened to her at home that would scare and send chills up the spine of any parent out there.
She has a daughter around the age of 3, who on this day slammed a door in the house. This would normally wake her little girl ( approx 4 months old ) from her sleep. On not hearing a cry she went to investigate. As she walked into her little baby's room, she knew there was something wrong. And when she walked over to the cot, her worst fears were confirmed. Her daughter was not breathing and had turned an awful shade of greyish-blue.
As she was telling me this, the tears were forming in my eyes, as were hers. I know she lost her dad just before she gave birth, and this would have been far too much for anyone to bear.
As she picked her little girl up, it was enough to "snap" her out of the incredibly deep sleep she was in and she took a huge breath. Needless to say she rushed to hospital to get her checked out.
All was fine. She was told by the medical staff that she had saved her daughter from SIDS. A disease that all parents fear. Some experts believe that children, like adults, fall into a deep sleep. Because babies don't breathe while in the womb, when they fall into this sleep, they just forget to breathe.
Its a very scary prospect for any parents. She told me that they rushed out that night and bought a baby monitor. Not just a noise one, but one that lies under the mattress and alerts you if there is no movement for 20 seconds. If they stop breathing.. an alarm goes off.
She said it was expensive, but her babies life was priceless. What parent wouldn't say that.
I have since had a look online and for my peace of mind we are planning to get one.
Thank god for technology.

So with Red Nose Day fast approaching, I would encourage anyone and everyone to support this cause. 27th June, buy a red nose!
This day, she wasn't. Something had happened to her at home that would scare and send chills up the spine of any parent out there.
She has a daughter around the age of 3, who on this day slammed a door in the house. This would normally wake her little girl ( approx 4 months old ) from her sleep. On not hearing a cry she went to investigate. As she walked into her little baby's room, she knew there was something wrong. And when she walked over to the cot, her worst fears were confirmed. Her daughter was not breathing and had turned an awful shade of greyish-blue.
As she was telling me this, the tears were forming in my eyes, as were hers. I know she lost her dad just before she gave birth, and this would have been far too much for anyone to bear.
As she picked her little girl up, it was enough to "snap" her out of the incredibly deep sleep she was in and she took a huge breath. Needless to say she rushed to hospital to get her checked out.
All was fine. She was told by the medical staff that she had saved her daughter from SIDS. A disease that all parents fear. Some experts believe that children, like adults, fall into a deep sleep. Because babies don't breathe while in the womb, when they fall into this sleep, they just forget to breathe.
Its a very scary prospect for any parents. She told me that they rushed out that night and bought a baby monitor. Not just a noise one, but one that lies under the mattress and alerts you if there is no movement for 20 seconds. If they stop breathing.. an alarm goes off.
She said it was expensive, but her babies life was priceless. What parent wouldn't say that.
I have since had a look online and for my peace of mind we are planning to get one.
Thank god for technology.

So with Red Nose Day fast approaching, I would encourage anyone and everyone to support this cause. 27th June, buy a red nose!
Friday, 30 May 2008

Well... Back. I know its been a while. Ok.. a long while. But I do have an excuse. As you might be able to guess. We are 20weeks and 5 days pregnant.
Its a very exciting time in my life again. Another baby. My life is so full on now, I bet you wonder just how I will cope with another little baby in the house...
I love it. I cope with motherhood like most people handle their jobs. I organise, delegate, clean, feed and love what I do. Its the best job in the world.
So all is good in the world of Jacqui. I hope everyone else is going good. I have heaps of news, but will leave for future posts....
Take care everyone.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Hey everyone,
Been a few days since I posted. Liv started school fine and dandy. We sit on the mat and wave goodbye to Mummy now
My first avon books where a little successful. Although I have had more sales from friends instead of customers. Maybe life will get busier soon.
Nothing much going on. Sam's doing well. Levi too. Swimming starts today.. busy busy.
I did however make plans with the kids to go to the Medieval Festival again this year. And also off to camping again. Yay! We had a ball last year, so off we go again!
Take care everyone, bee good and bee safe
Monday, 28 January 2008

I am so happy with the outcome so far. It will be a work of love when I am finished. I can't wait to have a proper album, a coffeetable book that people can look at when they come over for .. well... coffee
In HUGE other news, I am joining Avon. I needed something to do that won't really make an awful lot of money and let me meet people and get out of the house. So at this moment, I have Avon books everywhere! I am really excited about it. It means I can also help at the school with the girls. Oh.. can you see it?? I will be a tuckshop lady and an Avon lady
School starts tomorrow. The girls are excited. Especially Liv. Stay tuned for pictures as I will post some tomorrow. Big day. Big stage in my life thats for sure. *sigh* Life does move forward I guess, and I am excited about the new prospects for the future. So onwards for the rest of the year. No doubt it will be busy. Swimming starts again, and touch footy, plus Sam doing all the things that she wants to do.
So, I really should be going, off to bed, because its going to be a hectic morning.
Loves ya
Friday, 25 January 2008
Its 5.09 on Friday morning, Bill and Sam just left for work and I think I am getting a cold
Every time I sneeze I get a spasm in my back... so not good. Perhaps I should go back to bed...
Yesterday was a pretty cool day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEVI! We took off down to the park for a few hours with an esky, blankets and cricket bat in hand to have some fun. Teena and the boys came too and we had a blast. They have a huge playground for the kids, some of it is fenced so they played in there for a while and Teena, Bill and I ate far too many crackers and dip!
Then we had a feast of wraps with heaps of yummy stuff in them and packed up and went to play cricket for about 2 hours! It was awesome. If I played for Australia (which being a Kiwi, I probably wouldn't) I would have got out for a duck... more than once. I could hit it, but only high.
Bill was the best one. Because he used to play baseball, he just couldn't get the bat right, so Levi had to throw the ball, only then could he hit them "out of the park".
When we all got bored with that, Liv and Kye started eyeing off the cut grass and starting making piles to throw on peoples heads. There was grass everywhere once everyone got a turn!
Mental image: 4 adults, 4 kids and 1 toddler making a cheerleader pyramid. It was the funniest thing! OMG the boys weigh soooo much. Its not easy supporting 2 junior rugby players on your back! But we made one, more than once. What a goofy looking sight we would have been! It was such good fun, it was 7.30pm before we all walked in the door for cake and ice-cream!
I spent 2 hours yesterday morning (at 5am!) making a cake for Levi, only to leave it in the fridge. I had the candles.... do I get points for that?
It was heaps of fun... and I for one am very sore this morning. I think I shall take my weary body back to bed for a little rest before the kids get up...
Take care everyone..
Don't forget to Live for every moment.. you only get to do this once.. Next time you come back you might be a grasshopper
Love yas!
Yesterday was a pretty cool day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEVI! We took off down to the park for a few hours with an esky, blankets and cricket bat in hand to have some fun. Teena and the boys came too and we had a blast. They have a huge playground for the kids, some of it is fenced so they played in there for a while and Teena, Bill and I ate far too many crackers and dip!
Then we had a feast of wraps with heaps of yummy stuff in them and packed up and went to play cricket for about 2 hours! It was awesome. If I played for Australia (which being a Kiwi, I probably wouldn't) I would have got out for a duck... more than once. I could hit it, but only high.
Bill was the best one. Because he used to play baseball, he just couldn't get the bat right, so Levi had to throw the ball, only then could he hit them "out of the park".
When we all got bored with that, Liv and Kye started eyeing off the cut grass and starting making piles to throw on peoples heads. There was grass everywhere once everyone got a turn!
I spent 2 hours yesterday morning (at 5am!) making a cake for Levi, only to leave it in the fridge. I had the candles.... do I get points for that?
It was heaps of fun... and I for one am very sore this morning. I think I shall take my weary body back to bed for a little rest before the kids get up...
Take care everyone..
Don't forget to Live for every moment.. you only get to do this once.. Next time you come back you might be a grasshopper
Love yas!
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Yesterday was a day I would rather have just forgotten, for many reasons it was just a bad day all round. But.. dinner was nice and I got some lovely presents from my Mum and Dad inlaws, my beautiful children and my bestest friend. Another year over and I can move on to getting this year into full swing.
Today was a day of running around here there and everywhere. Bill had a job interview, probably won't work out for us, but you don't know until you try. The girls have had their new beds put up, so I needed to get underbed storage containers for them. The mess in their room has gone from there to the hallway, and the people at the local Salvation Army will get the stuff that the girls just don't need or cant fit in.
Oh so much stuff, way too much stuff for 2 little girls.
The kids start back school next week, minus Sam of course. I know she will figure out soon what she wants to do and go do it..... well hopefully. I can't believe thats the end of the children at school for me, a tad emotional. Oh ok. Massively emotional. I will be crying my eyes out.
I am allowed to, I'm a mum.. its my job to be a sap!!
No real other news..
Just another day in the life of Super Jacqui.....
Up Up and away.....
Today was a day of running around here there and everywhere. Bill had a job interview, probably won't work out for us, but you don't know until you try. The girls have had their new beds put up, so I needed to get underbed storage containers for them. The mess in their room has gone from there to the hallway, and the people at the local Salvation Army will get the stuff that the girls just don't need or cant fit in.
The kids start back school next week, minus Sam of course. I know she will figure out soon what she wants to do and go do it..... well hopefully. I can't believe thats the end of the children at school for me, a tad emotional. Oh ok. Massively emotional. I will be crying my eyes out.
I am allowed to, I'm a mum.. its my job to be a sap!!
No real other news..
Just another day in the life of Super Jacqui.....
Up Up and away.....
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Late in the afternoon, but it was still warm. They also took their scooters and Levi was rollerblading. Pretty sure they had a good time. Infact I am positive they did.... Liv fell asleep on her bed!! She very rarely does that.
She told me her little legs where tired and when we got home I asked her to carry something from the car to the house and she replied " Oh.. I couldn't. My fingers are soooo tired"
I really don't think her fingers did that much to tell you the truth.
Off to get the girls new beds tomorrow. Gone are the bunks, I ebayed them! Gotta love ebay! Trying to find a way of keeping their room in some kind of order so I have spent a few days trying to sort some stuff out. What a joke. I thought I was doing an awesome job, until we took Liv's bed apart, under that was 2 big bags of stuff. Baby clothes. I have 2 massive bags of baby clothes. With what to do with them you ask? Well, tune in for updates!
Nothing much else happening. My birthday tomorrow. I wont say how old I am..... Oh.. ok.
I will be 21..
Take care everyone.. Hug someone you love, forget about someone who hurt you and smile at your neighbor
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Never tell a man he is right.
And.. because Bill never reads this, I can say hes right. He told me not to "go hard" at the gym. He told me "not to plate up too much" so I didn't, which is a good. But I did "go hard" on the rowing machine. Hrrrmmmm I am thinking today that wasn't such a smart thing to do.
You see, they have a challenge at the gym for speed rowing, then on the bike and running. Well I can't run ( because of my ankle ) so I thought I would see just how far and how fast I can go.
I am happy to say that I rowed 1850 meters in 10 mins (bear in mind I haven't been for a while) but extremely unhappy to say I cannot move very freely today.
Its not bad, but that will teach me. Its half Bill's fault, he was sitting (sitting, not rowing) beside me telling me to go for it! *sigh*
In other news, Levi is a saint. He mowed all the lawns today. Did all the trimming by hand, he's such a darling
On a funny note. My darling Livvy is such a nice child. She was having her bath and I walked in to wash her hair. After telling me that when I put the conditioner in her hair I had to give her a scalp massage (again, thanks to Bill!) she then proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was. I had my hair down.
She looked at me "Actually Mummy, I only love you more with your hair down! When its up you look ok, but when its down you look beautiful"
I wasn't at all phased by this comment. Thats the norm for her.
As I said, shes a darling.
Happy Saturday everyone
And.. because Bill never reads this, I can say hes right. He told me not to "go hard" at the gym. He told me "not to plate up too much" so I didn't, which is a good. But I did "go hard" on the rowing machine. Hrrrmmmm I am thinking today that wasn't such a smart thing to do.
You see, they have a challenge at the gym for speed rowing, then on the bike and running. Well I can't run ( because of my ankle ) so I thought I would see just how far and how fast I can go.
I am happy to say that I rowed 1850 meters in 10 mins (bear in mind I haven't been for a while) but extremely unhappy to say I cannot move very freely today.
In other news, Levi is a saint. He mowed all the lawns today. Did all the trimming by hand, he's such a darling
On a funny note. My darling Livvy is such a nice child. She was having her bath and I walked in to wash her hair. After telling me that when I put the conditioner in her hair I had to give her a scalp massage (again, thanks to Bill!) she then proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was. I had my hair down.
She looked at me "Actually Mummy, I only love you more with your hair down! When its up you look ok, but when its down you look beautiful"
I wasn't at all phased by this comment. Thats the norm for her.
As I said, shes a darling.
Happy Saturday everyone
Friday, 18 January 2008

Ok folks. I know I said last time that I would post more, and you don't know how many times I sit here and think... Gosh.. I should write in my blog.. I get on the Internet and do something completely boring. So time for a massive update.
First off. We had an awesome Christmas, quiet New Years as all the kids were away, and a little holiday for me with no children in the house. It was nice. Nice to get them all home though. The first couple of days drove me completely insane. I sat here wondering how the hell I was going to manage the rest of the year!! But its all good now. They haven't settled at all, I have just mellowed and switched a few switches off, I hear the tones I have to hear. I usually respond with "Is there blood??" to which I get a reply "Ummmm ... no .. but"
"Ok.. then you are fine"
Nearly school time. First day for Liv coming up, we have uniforms now. Very scary for me, what the hell am I going to do with myself now? It doesn't get any easier as the kids get older, but Liv is the last one to go to school. End of an era for me. Now I feel I will get talked into tuckshop roster and reading. Don't get me wrong. I love my babies, just not the mums!
The girls also start back at swimming soon, and Levi with league and touch footy, not to mention Sam's is off to tafe. And that's just the kids
But as I always say, those who know me, know I adore my kids. I wouldn't be who I am without them, they have been there for me, and I for them. We have been through some awful stuff and stuck together threw it all. Motherhood to me is a joy, not a chore. I was born to play this role.
Wonder if they have an Oscar for motherhood??
So who knows what the year has install for me....for us even. Levi wants to learn to surf. My reaction to that was "No sand in my new car" . I think I shot that one down quick!
New house this year... scary prospect, but one we have to do soon. Possibly some school training for me. I might go back to school and do the rest of my chefs course, then branch out into cakes.
Its a passion I think I could make some money out of.
But for the moment, its day to day life. Gym in the morning, kids in the afternoon, everyone else has to take a number
I would like a holiday this year... see what happens...
Ok my huns and hunnies.. Take care of you and yours
Bee good
Until next time