A few days ago I got together with my wonderful sister and my mummy for the day. We had lunch and did a little walk around the shops.
The real reason for the day was Leanne wanted to take photos. We tend to forget just how fast our children grow up. Things happen, people get lost in the world of fast moving cars, people, money and, well, just life. It's all over way too fast.
Every time I look at the images Leanne captures of my beautiful babies, I have to take time out to remember, the little things they do to make me smile.
I took Liv to the shop about a week ago, and lets just say she was a little madam. I told her right there and then in the shop that "this is the reason I never bring you to the shops, don't ever ask me again to come, and next time you can stay at home with Levi. Better for everyone!"
She stopped. Looked at me and shrugged. The typical response from a 6 year old I would guess.
Friday I had to take her to the shops to get some shoes for school.
"Liv, come on, get some shoes on we are going to the shops"
Again, I got the look. The one that kinda says to you :What is wrong with you woman!
"Mum, you said the other day you were never taking me to the shops again."
What can I say to that.
Out smarted by a 6 year old. They never...ever.. ever forget. Don't ever promise them anything!! But they are so cute., and before you know it they have traveled around NZ, and are nearly 19 and aren't too sure what to do with their life.
Take it all in, and don't take it for granted.
I would love Leanne to do a photoshoot with Levi and Sam. I need some updated pictures of ALL of my babies.
Love you all...
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