Saturday, 20 March 2010

Once upon a time...

There was a girl. She was young and scared. Life was about to change. And did it ever. 
For the better. 
20 years ago, my baby girl was born. 20 years ago my life changed forever. I never imagined I would be celebrating her 20th birthday. I just never saw that far into the future. 
There are things that I might do differently, but never this. 

Samantha. I love you just as much today as the day you were placed into my arms. And the day you fell over and skinned your knee, and the day you said "I love you Mummy"
You have grown, matured... beautifully. 
Happy Birthday Baby Girl.  
I love you dearly

Saturday, 13 March 2010

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon, than with my Mum, my Sis, Locky and my two girls.
Simply precious.
Life is... In fact.. Too short.
Live for today
Dream for tomorrow

Love to all xo

P.S. I just happen to be related to an amazing photographer :)