You forget things as you get older. Ha. The joys. But one thing I would have thought a woman that has had a baby would never forget. Contractions.
At this point, they would be Braxton Hicks. So named after Mr Hicks. Some say they are false, some say they are real contractions. Hrmmm. Typical they are named after a man. What the hell would he ever know about false contractions!!!
LOL. No serious. They seem to have started, and me being me just dealing with them. They are supposed to be short, just tightening of the uterus. Me.. well you could time mine, and they peak.
Something that 'real' ones shouldnt do. But I can deal with it. Everything is still in place. Bill on the other hand. I forget sometimes that this is his first baby, while I am all calm and relaxed saying don't worry about it. Hes in a mad panic. "Ring the midwife"! Perhaps she shouldn't have told his just how to deliver a baby should the need arise.....
I am sure that it will happen when this bub wants out. Early or late.. (note to baby~~ If you are late... trouble will surely come your way *wink*) lol
No.. everything is fine. Its just getting closer and my poor old body has had enough already.
So ladies... can I get a little caring sympathy sent this way Woohoooo.. fanks..
Take care people ... Hugs and kisses..
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Saturday, 26 July 2008
For Sammy
I Can
Did is a word of achievement,
Wont is a word of retreat.
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can't is a word of defeat.
Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word for each hour.
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power.
I think I can
I know I can ~~~
The little engine
that tried
then could
and did!
Did is a word of achievement,
Wont is a word of retreat.
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can't is a word of defeat.
Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word for each hour.
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power.
I think I can
I know I can ~~~
The little engine
that tried
then could
and did!
We love you Sammy. Be strong.
Sunday, 20 July 2008

Happy Birthday Tomorrow.
Cupcakes Cupcakes everywhere.
I made cupcakes last week to celebrate 100 days at Prep for Liv, and this week its her birthday. So for school tomorrow I made cupcakes. Mini ones cause its Maddison's birthday too and I am not sure if her Mum will do something. You can have too much cake you know. Especially if you are a pre-schooler!
So I thought I would post a pic of the cupcake. The birthday girl's cupcake.
Then off to get the bike out of the car, and fumble for the next few hours to get the darn thing set up. Maybe I should wait for Bill to get home from work.... ?
Fairy wishes and kisses to all....
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Well hey everyone,
Its been a while and in true Jacqui fashion, I usually don't post until there is something to talk about. Hahaha! Nothing really to talk about. Oh. we did move house. Into a nice brand new house, 4 beds, 2 bath, you know the average family style home. Levi loves the dishwasher. And the girls love having their own rooms.
Ohhhh... Sammi left us. Shes left the nest for a little while, gone to stretch her wings and see whats out there in this big big world. Shes in NZ with Nana and Granddad. I am sure she is having a ball.
I will say tho, that morning was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Let my little girl get on a plane, and say goodbye. For how long no one knows.. and I guess thats one of the hardest things.. She will come back when shes ready.
We all miss you Sammi
We are now at the 28 week stage, and my poor old body is starting to notice a change. I can no longer hide my "bump" and I am starting to "wobble" . I tell ya, its a sight. But all is good, check-ups this week, another scan next month.
I haven't started nesting yet, I feel it coming on tho. I think once I get the car seat and the pram off lay-by, it will kick start me into gear.
Well... I guess in the end I did have a few things to say...
Hope everyone is well, take care everyone one
All my love
Its been a while and in true Jacqui fashion, I usually don't post until there is something to talk about. Hahaha! Nothing really to talk about. Oh. we did move house. Into a nice brand new house, 4 beds, 2 bath, you know the average family style home. Levi loves the dishwasher. And the girls love having their own rooms.
Ohhhh... Sammi left us. Shes left the nest for a little while, gone to stretch her wings and see whats out there in this big big world. Shes in NZ with Nana and Granddad. I am sure she is having a ball.
I will say tho, that morning was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Let my little girl get on a plane, and say goodbye. For how long no one knows.. and I guess thats one of the hardest things.. She will come back when shes ready.
We all miss you Sammi
We are now at the 28 week stage, and my poor old body is starting to notice a change. I can no longer hide my "bump" and I am starting to "wobble" . I tell ya, its a sight. But all is good, check-ups this week, another scan next month.
I haven't started nesting yet, I feel it coming on tho. I think once I get the car seat and the pram off lay-by, it will kick start me into gear.
Well... I guess in the end I did have a few things to say...
Hope everyone is well, take care everyone one
All my love