This day, she wasn't. Something had happened to her at home that would scare and send chills up the spine of any parent out there.
She has a daughter around the age of 3, who on this day slammed a door in the house. This would normally wake her little girl ( approx 4 months old ) from her sleep. On not hearing a cry she went to investigate. As she walked into her little baby's room, she knew there was something wrong. And when she walked over to the cot, her worst fears were confirmed. Her daughter was not breathing and had turned an awful shade of greyish-blue.
As she was telling me this, the tears were forming in my eyes, as were hers. I know she lost her dad just before she gave birth, and this would have been far too much for anyone to bear.
As she picked her little girl up, it was enough to "snap" her out of the incredibly deep sleep she was in and she took a huge breath. Needless to say she rushed to hospital to get her checked out.
All was fine. She was told by the medical staff that she had saved her daughter from SIDS. A disease that all parents fear. Some experts believe that children, like adults, fall into a deep sleep. Because babies don't breathe while in the womb, when they fall into this sleep, they just forget to breathe.
Its a very scary prospect for any parents. She told me that they rushed out that night and bought a baby monitor. Not just a noise one, but one that lies under the mattress and alerts you if there is no movement for 20 seconds. If they stop breathing.. an alarm goes off.
She said it was expensive, but her babies life was priceless. What parent wouldn't say that.
I have since had a look online and for my peace of mind we are planning to get one.
Thank god for technology.

So with Red Nose Day fast approaching, I would encourage anyone and everyone to support this cause. 27th June, buy a red nose!