Sam, Liv and I went to the shops to pick up some bits and pieces yesterday. We had finished all we had to do and had an hour to spare. So I decided to shout Sam and Liv a drink.
On the way thru the food court, we went past the Christmas Nativity Scene. Liv then explained to us that Daddy had told her all about this.. eager to find out just how much she knows we listened.
"I know that baby" She said.
"And whos that Liv?" Sammy and I seemed to ask in unison. "Its the baby Jesus!" Liv said very proudly.
"And whos holding Him?" Sam asked. "Oh thats Mary" Liv answered her.
So we sit down to have our drinks.. and I have to say, coffee for me these days is disappointing. There are only a few places that consistently make nice coffee, but like an average meal, I drank it.
Once we had finished our drinks, Liv's $2 was burning a hole in her pocket and she just had to spend it on one of those rides that I am sure are sending most parents and grandparents for that matter.. broke!
We had to walk past the Nativity Scene again, this time I asked her a question. Fully expecting a perfectly normal answer.
"So Liv..... Who is Mary?"
Pause... you can hear the cogs...
" Oh.... Mary had a little lamb...."
Complete innocence. Needless to say Sam and I cracked up like you wouldn't believe. People must have thought we were nuts, we got some strange looks.
I then told Liv the difference between this Mary and Mary with the little lamb. She took a few mins to soak it in, but she gets it now.
This morning she told Bill all about the 3 kings and what they bought Jesus. I was very proud. Shes like a little sponge, you only need to tell her something once...
Smile everyone..