Through the Eyes of Proud Parents
The day has finally come
It seemed like it took an eternity
We've all been waiting for this day
To see our precious daughter
Walk down the aisle to get her high school certificate
We all sit anxiously awaiting to hear her name called
So much work that we have done
So many problems that we have overcome
Now we can put that all behind us
For now is the time for her to shine
To become an adult and make a future of her own
At last the principal calls her name out loud
And we stand up tall and proud!
My darling little young lady, Samantha, graduates this week. Its a pretty special and emotional time in her life. Not to mention my life. 17 years ago I could never imagined my life taking the turns that it has. Children, marriage, divorce, another child, separation, to finally find my self happiness. A wonderful man, who cares deeply for me and my babies. Thats what they will always be in my book. My babies.
When I talk about Sam to other people, I say '
my baby girl' and get this look, wondering how old she is. When I mention that she is 17, they seem somewhat confused. How can a 17 year old be a baby? But its not just Sam, they are all my babies.
If you know me, you would know most of the pitfalls of our life. The kids have come from a '
broken home', but you wouldn't be able to tell. They are the most grounded, easy going children you will find around. My life has always been about them, even more so as they get older and I mature.
So watching '
My baby girl' walk onto a stage at high school and graduate is a huge thing for all of us. Its not to say I couldn't see it happening, because she's a very smart and mature young lady. Its just so much
could have got in the way of that. As a family, we are a very strong unit. There is alot of trust, and our family values are important. Seems to be lost on alot of the world. So sad...
Upwards and onwards as they say. Where Sam's life takes her from now on is mostly up to her. Me, her Dad, Step mum and Step dad have done the ground work. All the foundation is in...
I feel like a mother bird watching her baby try to fly out of the nest.. and yes, I have tears writing this. All you have to do now Sam, is spread your wings and fly.....
Love you Sam...