Sunday 6 June 2010

A very merry un-birthday to you...

Liv's birthday is coming up in July and my head is teeming with ideas. My first thought was a tea party. But I think that excludes the boys..
So what about a Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Some of the idea's I am playing with..
I have so many ideas of games, food, decorations. I LOVE the internet.

So  A planning we will go. Dad has the job of making a croquet set. My job to make the mallets look like flamingo's! Mis-matched teacups, pink lemonade, blue for the boys of course.
A craft table to make their own hats and a cupcake table to decorate their own to take home.
Cookies in the shape of bottles that say "drink me" and ones that say "eat me"
It goes on and on...

Busy week this week with cookies and cuppies, but will keep you all posted about any ideas. If you have any... shoot them my way. Would love to hear from you all..

Much love

Tuesday 11 May 2010

A few years ago..

My little sister was born. Of course I don't remember. I don't remember alot from my childhood.
I do remember that she annoyed the crap out of me. Always in my face.
I think for a long time we were such different people. A few worlds away. I had babies.. very young. She lived life.. very young. I know I was always proud when someone told me she was managing a store. I know I was jealous when someone told me that she was going overseas, to work.
A few years have passed. We have fought. We have made up. But I think life has now bought us both to one world.
I don't get to spend as much time with her as I would like. She is one of my best friends. I can tell her anything. Now.
There was a time when I was scared to do that. She is volatile!!. :-)
But.. she is my little sister. And as time has gone on, I feel my umbrella sheltering over her, like a sister should.
I would give anything for her...
To be happy, healthy and free..

Happy Birthday Little Sis.. Leanne.
I love you to pieces..
I hope you have a wonderful day..
